Regina City council is considering a massive new spending program that comes with a massive price tag. According to the city’s own report, if this new program is passed by city council property taxes would rise by more than 21 per cent in 2023!

With inflation at a 40-year high, after so many households lost so much during COVID, and rising Liberal federal taxes, Regina families are already struggling to pay their bills. The last thing residents need is a shocking 21 per cent increase on their property taxes.

Let’s fight back! We can start by letting councilors know where we stand. Send a message to Regina city council by signing my e-petition below.

(Note: By signing the petition you grant permission to have your contact information shared with Regina city council.)


WHEREAS, the cost of living crisis is already causing hardship to so many Regina families; and

WHEREAS, the administration costs at Regina City Hall have continued to rise year over year; and

WHEREAS, a massive hike in property taxes will force many families out of their homes; therefore

WE THE UNDERSIGNED hereby call on Regina city council to reject the proposed new spending program and the corresponding 21 per cent tax hike that comes with it.

Will you sign?

or Text PROPERTYTAX to +13069921605 to sign