I’m sure you’ve seen the shocking footage of radical protesters pulling down a statue of Sir John A. Macdonald. Sadly, this wasn’t an isolated event. There are movements across the country to remove monuments to our first Prime Minister.
It’s even happening right here in Regina. The city of Regina has received complaints about the statue, and is currently reviewing its place in Victoria Park. That’s right, there is a chance the city council will decide to remove the statue of Canada’s first Prime Minister.
That’s why it is so important to voice your support to keep Sir John A. in Victoria Park.
WHEREAS statues of Sir John A Macdonald across Canada are being vandalized, removed, or otherwise destroyed at a worrying rate;
WHEREAS a radical minority wants to rewrite Canadian history, tear down monuments to our founders, and destroy any sense of national unity;
AND WHEREAS we believe that Sir John A Macdonald’s contributions to Canada, a country that would likely not exist without his dedication and work, are worthy of commemoration and celebration;
THEREFORE, WE THE UNDERSIGNED hereby call on the Regina City Council to reject calls to remove the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald from Victoria Park.
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